Unique Truck Bodies are specialists in the manufacture and design of custom truck bodies to suit environmental, business and trade requirements.

We pride ourselves on being the most reliable truck body specialists in the greater Sydney metropolitan area.

Our manufacture and design services are much larger and support a vast range of more than just truck body trays and storage compartments.

We specialise in HIAB cranes being fitted to your vehicle. We can also fit a vast range of other utilities and equipment to your vehicle so that you can get the job done.

Some of the many services we offer include:

  • smash repairs on all commercial and light trucks and vehicles
  • rust and renovation work to the highest quality and standard
  • high quality commercial vehicle paintwork
  • complete restoration of smashed vehicles and trucks
  • high quality vehicle body and chassis modifications
  • insurance work

We have a team of skilled professionals with extensive knowledge and years of truck body experience. We ensure all work is completed to the highest standard to meet your individual requirements.

Unique truck bodies is unique in the fact that we deal with a range of insurance work. We will work with your insurance company to start the repair immediately to get your truck back on the road as fast as possible. This can save you days of downtime and prevent you from needing to pay high priced storage charges

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